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about my self

my name is Kevin B.

I am 13 years old and am currentally going to a middle school in New York. I love to keep fish and play sports. I have some stupid friends but i am sometimes to. I am a straight a student and have been on the high honor roll for the whole 7th grade. My parents and sister are nice to me. well sort of, my mom let me get a 55 gal. so i could keep discus. Well i guess thats all i have to say

Thanks, Kevin

I have many pets i will list some. I have around 30 fish, 2 dogs, 2 cats, 1 snail, and a bunch of tadpoles


10 gal.  1 gold fish, 1 snail, tad poles

55 gal. six discus to come

20 gal. 6 serpae tetras, 1 male krib, 1 male ram, and 13 krib fry

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